"Find out who you are and do it on purpose."
-Dolly Parton
Who are we? We're bridge builders, living in this wild digital age. So with our years of experience and uncommonly strong rural internet, we can help you reach out to your audience online.
​Who do you want to build a metaphorical bridge with today?
Oh hey! I'm just out here on our family cattle ranch in Benge, Wash. (you're 98% likely to need Google Maps for this one) with some peppy internet and deep experience in communications and digital media. Whether it's reaching a specific target audience or just setting up a website and social media hubs, I love helping farmers and ranchers tell their stories and achieve their goals online.
Bridget Coon

What we're All About
Somewhere in my 20's I came up for air after chasing down some fabulous opportunities, and thought I'd lost track of who I was and what I wanted to be. Then sorting through my old crap upstairs at my parents' house, I found an essay I submitted to win a $500 scholarship from the Dan L. Smith (Smith Brother's Dairy) Memorial. In my paper I expressed my passion and future plans for sharing the real story of farming with a disconnected urban audience. After all, it's what I'd been doing all my life as the token farm kid in school growing up about 15 minutes south of Seattle. Turns out, I never really lost track of what I wanted to do with my life afterall...
What started as a venture based on my experience in agriculture and digital communications, has grown into a boutique agency with a full-service modern marketing skillset.

Digital Communications
Internal and external e-mail communications, website copy, social media content, brand messaging. Odds are if you're shopping for these services, you don't love doing them for your business or organization and it shows. And that is totally fine, because we do! Throw it and your notes our way and watch it all get done swell with minimal time and effort on your part. Expansion of our team allows us to now offer photography, videography, and graphic design as individual services or within project scope.

Digital Placement
While my original love is communications, I've grown confident and passionate about managing how that message reaches an audience. I've been working directly on platforms like Facebook Ads Manager and Google Ads and negotiating with digital marketing vendors for several years. What's the right digital media mix for you? We don't know yet - it depends on your goals, budget and target audience. That's what makes digital marketing projects so fun to build.
What do you need help with?
Do you have some online marketing or communications project dreams that you don't have the team or comfort level with the internets to execute? Holler at your girls out here in the 509.
2710 E Ankeny Lane Benge, Washington 99105, USA
bridget at bridgetcoon dot com